Introducing Goddess Lari

Physical Statistics
140 lbs.
About Goddess Lari
Had we not moved from Boston several years ago we would have most certainly featured this young, athletic blonde hottie from the area named Goddess Lari a long time ago!
We first noticed her taunting Twitter tweets as she dared any man who thinks he’s tough enough to try and survive her SQUEEEEZE.
One look at her POWERFUL THIGHS and reading her confidently cocky tweets and we knew we had to contact her during our next visit back home in Boston which we did.
She responded immediately with a lot of enthusiasm over the idea of showcasing her CRUSHERS doing damage to male necks and ribs in front of our ScissorVixens cameras!
Watching her facial expressions as she tortures her male victims says it all…Goddess Lari LOVES to DOMINATE with her THIGHS!
Wanna be dominated by Goddess Lari’s thighs? Contact her below and tell her ScissorVixens sent you!